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Welcome to Guruville

Helping Leaders Get Out of Their Own Way

Coaches, consultants, professional services providers, health and wellness practitioners...

Agents of Change of all Varieties

Here Are The Tools You Need To Grow A Successful Business Of Helping Others

Most Businesses Fail

The reason is that the leaders are much more proficient at helping people than in growing a thriving business. Statistics show over and over again that over HALF of startup business fail within 4 years.

The leading cause of these failures is business incompetence. Specific areas in need of improvement are:

✔︎  Emotional pricing

✔︎  Lack of financial awareness

✔︎  Going into the business for the wrong reasons

✔︎  Lack of compelling marketing message

✔︎  Leader falls in love with the product

✔︎  Leader gets burned out

✔︎  Leader underestimates time requirements

✔︎  Relying upon advice from family and friends

✔︎  Lack of a clear focus and actionable planning

For a business to survive, let alone thrive, the leadership must level up their business competence.

Guruville was created to help those who are in the business of helping others, to learn and apply the BUSINESS knowledge and skills necessary to grow a thriving business.


We help you get out of your own way so that your BUSINESS serves you, your team and your clients, longterm... profitably.

We Help You Get Out of Your Own Way

Level Up Your Essential Business Competencies

Vision | Mission | Goals

You have a vision for helping others. yet success comes from turning that vision into a mission, conveyed so that your team and customers rally with you in its fulfillment.

People First

People are at the heart of your business, interacting with every aspect. Understanding and congruently leading them is key to health, growth and profitability.

Business Essentials

Understanding and engaging sound business principles and practices are key in your ability to sustainably grow a healthy, thriving, profitable and effective business.

Products | Offers | Sales

How your life-changing products and services are crafted, sold and delivered are crucial to their success, especially todays shifting world of physical, virtual and hybrid options.

Marketing Message & Methods

You may have the most life-changing product or service ... but unless you can convey that to your prospective customer in a way that they will receive it, they will never know.

Simplifying Technology

Technology is highly entwined into the fabric of business today. Making the decision on which is best, how to integrate, use and secure it is key to business success.

Business & Leadership Coaching

We help those who are in the business of helping others, to learn and apply the BUSINESS knowledge and skills necessary to grow a thriving business.

We help you get out of your own way so that your BUSINESS serves you, your team and your clients, longterm... profitably.

We work with a select group of clients … those who inspire us, with whom we enjoy working and most importantly, we determine ahead of time that we will help you make a massive, positive shift in your organization. 

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Global Village Mastermind

We bring together extraordinary leaders who are in the business of helping others ... empowering them to level up the Business, Marketing, Technology and People parts of their business to rival that of their craft... harnessing the power and magic of a peer community of likeminded heroes ... so that we can successfully build our businesses, change the world for the better and ... enjoy the process along the way.

Guruville is where you will learn and grow your BUSINESS skills to the same level of excellence as your craft … while thriving in a community of other like-minded leaders.

Registration Opening Soon

Business Quick Start Accelerator

You want to change the world. We help you make it happen. In Guruville's Business Quick Start accelerator program, working side by side with you, we help you move past your obstacles to launch your business within 30 days.

We do the heavy lifting to tackle the key elements needed to succeed in launching your business of helping others.

This is for you if you are starting a Business of Helping Others, you are eager to launch but have been stuck, overwhelmed and procrastinating. You can be 30 days to launching your business!

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About our founder...

Hi! I’m Dan Tresemer, human dynamics coach and business & technology consultant. I’ve helped scores of leaders get out of their own way… successfully and sustainably growing their businesses so that they expanded their ability to help other people, profitably.

I founded Guruville because I've seen amazingly talented people, many of whom are friends of mine, fail in their business of doing good.

The more leaders and Agents of Change we can help sustainably grow their business... the greater the ripple effect of positive change we can effect throughout the world... together!

  • Certified Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnotherapy
  • Myers-Briggs Psychological Type Certified Practitioner
  • Spiral Dynamics | Gravesian Levels of Human Existence
  • Certified Technology Consultant
  • Global Business, Sales and Marketing Expertise
  • Digital Content Marketing Expert
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Client Success Stories



"Dan helped me take my business, which was being run as family-oriented, full of favors, repeating mistakes, and emotional decisions, to a profitable business based upon solid business practices. Through his honest, unpretentious, and authentic marketing approach, my potential and current customers understand, resonate with, and respond to our message. And, maybe most important of all, he taught me the value of myself and what I do, and that without it the world would be a lesser place. I can honestly say that when working with Dan Tresemer; he has my back and my business is growing!"

The seven. deadly. sins. of Business Leaders

Powerful, Free Book to Help You Level Up Your Leadership Skills
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